Montecito Neighbors Feature

Our family is so excited to be featured on the cover of the July issue of Montecito Neighbors magazine! Read on to see the full article! Be sure to click the button below to download the magazine PDF.

The Kallenbachs:Modern Masters Of The Coastal Family Lifestyle

Story by Sarah Ettman-Sterner. Additional photos by Noble Vision Co. and the Kallenbach Family

After a whirlwind college romance that led to marriage in less than a year(!), Tyler and Casey Kallenbach took a great deal of time and care to find the perfect place to build their lives together. Originally from Florida, they moved several times up the East Coast and ventured West to Colorado. Their pioneering spirit eventually led them to the “Golden State.” the couple enjoyed their LA life but realized something was missing. Their instincts told them there had to be a better place out there that would match the quality of life they envisioned.

Casey’s family ties in the Santa Ynez Valley, Tyler’s work in Montecito and a yearning for a slower paced, family-centered lifestyle inspired the Kallenbachs to put down roots in our little village between the mountains and the sea. They moved here just before the 2017 Thomas Fire and the 1/8/18 Debris Flow. While these events were tragic and devastating, the couple experienced the power of the human spirit that lives here. Casey and Tyler were in awe of the community’s extraordinary strength, compassion and resilience in overcoming these disasters. From that point on, the Kallenbachs knew they were “home,” surrounded by a tribe of kind, like-minded neighbors and friends that would be there for them through thick and thin.

Now, six years later, the Kallenbachs are a family of four. Their son, Emerson, is a bright, articulate blue-eyed boy. He’s a fabulous big brother to his sister Isla, who has the same “ocean” eyes and a crown of charming curls. Their impish grins let you know these little ones are full of curiosity and have boundless energy; they are always up for adven- ture! Good thing they have a large yard in which to play shaded by giant oaks - the perfect place to burn off their “wiggles.” Rounding out the family is 13 year-old Reese, a gentle senior dog, 10 hens and 2 baby chicks, which recently hatched in Emerson’s 1st grade classroom at Montecito Union School. These are some lucky chickens - the family adores them! A new coop for the flock is in the works. son and Isla are learning how to take care of them and no doubt there will be farm fresh eggs for breakfast later this year.

Read on to learn how the Kallenbachs have become modern masters of the coastal family lifestyle!

Where did you grow up?

Casey: We both grew up in Florida. I’m from Boca Raton and Tyler is from Naples.

Where did you both get your education?

Casey: We went to the University of Central Florida, which is where we met. I have a BA in Psychology with a focus in advertising and minors in both Women’s Studies and Cre- ative Writing. I ended up starting a web design business years ago and have been in the marketing world since.

Tyler: I graduated in Pre-Med from UCF and went on to get my Doctorate from Life University in Atlanta, GA. I’ve been working in the luxury real estate space for 7-8 years. Casey and I formed Montecito Valley ( last year. Our mission is to capture the essence of Montecito’s storied past and weave it into our brand identity to pay homage to the rich history of our cherished community. We are a family real estate team selling historic, luxe, and architecturally significant properties in Montecito, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Valley, and Ojai. Casey runs our marketing and oversees the home and lifestyle brand of the business and I lead the luxury real estate division. It’s so fun and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

How did you meet? When did you marry?

Casey: We met through mutual friends in college and had an instant connection. We drove our families crazy and got married less than a year later! That saying, “when you know, you know” held very true for us.

Where did you live before moving here? What was that like?

Casey: After college, we moved around a lot to find our ‘fit.’ From Florida to Georgia to Maryland (and a short stint in Colorado), we ended up in California where Tyler took a job in Beverly Hills. There was a lot we loved about LA - the food, the shopping, the entertainment - but ultimately decided it wasn’t where we dreamed of raising children.

How did you learn about Montecito? When did you first come here?

Tyler: We moved here right before the Thomas fire and mudslides, so our initial impressions were probably a little different than those who moved here during the COVID surge. I was most impressed by the strength of the community. Although many scars still remain, literally and figuratively, our ability to build back stronger in such a short period of time impresses me the most.

Why did you decide to move?

Tyler: Casey’s aunt and uncle bought a ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley around the same time we moved to LA and
we found ourselves spending time with them every other weekend. After our son Emerson was born and we decided that we aligned more with the values that the central coast offered and wanted that for our family. My real estate business is based in Montecito, Casey and I both grew up in quiet coastal towns, and we love the Montecito Union community, so we made the move!

How did you build your community?

Tyler: Montecito Union is the core of our community, and it’s continued to blossom into ancillary friendships along the way. We’re fortunate that our industry has put us in touch with many local businesses and entrepreneurs that we support and have watched grow through the years. It’s the greatest treasure.

Tell us about your children. What kinds of hobbies and sports are Emerson and Isla interested in?

Casey: Our son, Emerson, is our little creative artist. He is constantly working on building, painting, or crafting. His other passions are horses and ranching. He will continue horseback riding lessons through the summer and a few sports camps at Westmont and the YMCA. Isla is our fire cracker. At just two years old, she is so spunky and fearless. She loves the water, riding her scooter, dressing up like Princess Elsa, and following her brother everywhere. They are both such sweet kids and bring our family so much joy.

Tell us more about your dog and the new chickens!

Casey: We have a 13 year old dog named Reese who has been with us since she was a puppy, along with 10 chickens. We started with 2 baby chicks that we brought home from MUS and ended up diving head first into chicken life with a large coop and 8 more!

Describe your children’s experiences at MUS and the YMCA pre-school. Is there anything you’d like to share with other parents about your school experience to date?

Casey: Emerson started at the YMCA when we moved to Montecito and is now heading into 2nd grade at Montecito Union. Isla recently started at the YMCA as well. The kids have had the best time at both schools. We feel extremely fortunate to be able to send our kids to a school like MUS. Between the education, the gardens, the teachers, and the community, we couldn’t have dreamed of a better experience.

Where do you live in Montecito? How long have you lived there? Why did you move there? What do you enjoy about living in your neighborhood?

Tyler: We live on Hot Springs, above the Montecito Creek, on a property that was once part of the Dorinda/Bliss estate. We’ve been in this house for almost 4 years and absolutely love it. Our neighbors have become family and we enjoy the proximity to the lower and upper villages, MUS, and Butterfly Beach.

Are you involved in any activities with your neighbors?

Casey: I stay busy on the Montecito Union School Foundation Board, as a member of the Music Academy Auxiliary, helping to plan various galas in town, and hosting many fun al fresco dinners at our home.

Tyler: I also spent time on the MUSF board. Aside from that, I play a lot of tennis and workout with a fun community of guys at Platinum Fitness.

fortunate to be able to send our kids to a school like MUS. Between the education, the gardens, the teach- ers, and the community, we couldn’t have dreamed of a better experience.

Where do you live in Montecito? How long have you lived there? Why did you move there? What do you enjoy about living in your neighborhood?

Tyler: We live on Hot Springs, above the Montecito Creek, on a property that was once part of the Dorinda/ Bliss estate. We’ve been in this house for almost 4 years and absolutely love it. Our neighbors have become family and we enjoy the proximity to the lower and upper villages, MUS, and Butterfly Beach.

Are you involved in any activities with your neigh- bors?

Casey: I stay busy on the Montecito Union School Foundation Board, as a member of the Music Academy Auxiliary, helping to plan various galas in town, and hosting many fun al fresco dinners at our home.

Tyler: I also spent time on the MUSF board. Aside from that, I play a lot of tennis and workout with a fun community of guys at Platinum Fitness.

What do you do to relax here in town? Do you have some Favorite places to visit in town?

Casey: We spend a lot of time with the kids at the beach, hiking, and grabbing breakfast at Bree’osh or pizza from Bettina. When we sneak away for a date night, we love to get dinner at San Ysidro Ranch or a drink at The Manor Bar. We have family in Los Olivos, so you can find us on the ranch almost every other weekend with the horses and mini donkeys.

Do you have a family code of honor that you live by?

Tyler: I’m really into the simple traditional values and often reiterate the importance of being a good citizen with our
kids. Looking out for others, treating everyone with kindness, speaking in kindness, showing grace and empathy, building grassroots, organic community - even at a young age, being someone who fills others up rather than takes away, etc. I firmly believe practicing these simple values daily can change the world, but it starts with being a good citizen in your community.

Does your family take an annual vacation? Have you taken any interesting trips recently?

Casey: We can’t wait to get home every time we go on vacation! Montecito feels like paradise, but we’re trying to get better about traveling now that the kids are a little older. Tyler and I recently spent our anniversary in France, visiting Paris and Provence. This summer, we’re taking the kids to Hawaii with some of our closest friends.

How did you celebrate the 4th of July holiday this year?

Tyler: This year we spent the day at the beach in Montecito. We got there late morning/early afternoon so the kids could play with friends, hung out all day, ordered Bettina for dinner and enjoyed the fireworks! You never know if the weather will be just right, so you can see the Harbor show in the distance. This is our version of July 4th Americana.

Do you have some special childhood memories about spending the 4th of July with your family?

Tyler: Casey spent most summers along the Severn River in Annapolis and I spent most of my summers splitting time between my grandparents’ ranches in central Missouri. July 4th was always a family reunion for us. A day of baking, cooking and laughter. I’d ride with my grandfather in his 1970s Ford F-series on back country roads to pick up fireworks from the roadside stands. We’d swim at the lake and catch lightning bugs in mason jars under the explosions in the sky. California’s a little different but that nostalgia is potent, and at the core, it’s time spent with friends and family, doing what you enjoy and loving hard. We try to recreate that for them as best we know how in our little coastal village we call home.

What are the things you like most about your Montecito lifestyle?

Casey: Every single family we’ve met since living in Montecito has been amazing. In our four years here, we have already made so many lifelong friends. Our neighbors have become an extension of our family. Culturally in the US, it feels as though people have their guard up with one another and tend to stick to themselves more than they did, say, pre-1990s - especially pre-COVID. We celebrate occasions with our neighbors, share baked goods and citrus from our trees, etc. It feels very traditional and small town. That’s largely how we were raised and what we hoped to find in moving here.

Download the July Issue of Montecito Neighbors below!


Watermelon Feta salad